Soccer Academy
Dynasty Soccer Academy is a family-owned business in the south-end of Louisville Ky. We exist to provide supplementary training for all players at any level. Whether your goal is to get more playing time, become a starter on your team, join your varsity team or play at the college or professional level. DSA has the experienced trainers and development programs to help you become the best player you can be. Our founder and certified trainers have a combination of over 20 years playing, coaching, and training soccer. We understand you don’t always get the best training when playing on a team. Unfortunately, a coach must “train” an entire team and can’t always focus on an individual. That’s where we come in! With our combined experience we have developed programs to fit any skill level both on a 1:1 and small group setting. With our state-of-the-art facility and equipment, we believe we will help you get to where you want to be!
Our Programs
Private Training
The focus of our training program is to develop a wide range of technical skills, tailored to the goals and abilities of the individual player.
Learn MoreSmall Group Training
At DSA we offer various types of group training. Whether you're an individual wanting to raise your playing level or a full team wanting to increase your team’s skill and tactical abilities.
Learn MoreParty / Event Rentals
Facility for 2 hours Medals – up to 12 kids (small fee for additional medals) Birthday Child Trophy Balloons & B-day decoration
Learn MorePrivate Hourly Rentals
Hourly rental fee: $85 for full field Call or email us for availability! Booking is based on first come first serve basis
Learn MoreMeet Our Staff
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consetetur Sadipscing Elitr, Sed Diam Nonumy Eirmod Tempor Invidunt Ut Labore Et Dolore Magna Aliquyam Erat, Sed Diam Voluptua.
Thanks John
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consetetur Sadipscing Elitr, Sed Diam Nonumy Eirmod Tempor Invidunt Ut Labore Et Dolore Magna Aliquyam Erat, Sed Diam Voluptua.
Thanks John
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consetetur Sadipscing Elitr, Sed Diam Nonumy Eirmod Tempor Invidunt Ut Labore Et Dolore Magna Aliquyam Erat, Sed Diam Voluptua.
Thanks John
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consetetur Sadipscing Elitr, Sed Diam Nonumy Eirmod Tempor Invidunt Ut Labore Et Dolore Magna Aliquyam Erat, Sed Diam Voluptua.
Thanks John